
Go Green and Save Green with Residential Solar Electric Power

If you thought that solar panels were just novelty items for hippies and rich home owners, that misconception is dead wrong now. In the past decade especially, technological innovations have brought photovoltaic panels down into a price range that the mainstream public can afford. At no higher a cost than a new car, residential solar electric power can make you energy independent immediately following installation. If you produce enough power, you can even make a profit on your investment. As you'll find out, there are many benefits associated with residential solar electric power, and there are few reasons left why you would not want a system installed on your own house.

Depending on where you live, the efficiency of your solar panels may be higher or lower than what the panels are officially rated. The more sunlight you receive each day, the more effective the panels will be. Those in wintry climates stand to benefit the least from residential solar electric power, although newer models now provide a reasonable alternative to fossil fuels and the power grid. Additionally, some solar panels rotate with the sun to pick up even more sunlight instead of being in a fixed position, which would limit the amount of sun that they receive in a given day. All of these technologies work together to optimize electrical output of the panels, and they will continue to be improved each year.

Energy Investment

It's possible that you can receive tax benefits from going green. Not only that, but you will also be able to save thousands of dollars each year on your energy bill. That's because sunlight is completely free, and it won't run out for billions of years. Residential solar electric power makes you energy independent today. As viable electric cars are introduced in the years to come, with the Chevy Volt being the first, you can completely eliminate your personal dependence on fossil fuels. In some locations, home owners also decide to supplement their energy needs with a wind turbine, although wind turbines are usable in less areas than solar electric power generation.

In an economy where you aren't sure if you'll keep your job from one year to the next, it's vital to have a reliable source of energy that you can always count on. It's so easy to install that a basic knowledge of electrical work will allow you to install residential solar electric power systems yourself onto your home. You can purchase them in kits or buy the parts separately for increased versatility. Although the price might be disheartening to look at, the cost of continued reliance on fossil fuels is much greater.

More about Residential Solar Power and Solar Energy Solutions

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