
Energy Independent Now with Solar Electric Power Systems

Energy costs rise on a yearly basis, and many homeowners are turning to conservation inside their homes to help cut costs. However, there is no reason to have the heater set to a brisk 60 degrees in the winter anymore, nor should homeowners be content with sweltering 74 degree air conditioning. By installing a solar electric power system for their homes, home owners can receive a free supply of energy for the rest of their lives. While these systems will be substantially more expensive to begin with than pulling electricity in from the power grid, operating costs are significantly reduced. It's safe to assume that one of these systems is an investment in a home's future.

Good for the Environment Too

A solar electric power system is great for the environment in that it doesn't add any carbon dioxide or other air pollutants into the atmosphere. Instead of burning tons of coal in a power plant, home owners can receive all the power they need right from the sun. It creates zero air pollution, and over time, reducing air pollution will result in greater health for everyone. If that isn't enticing enough, consider the other benefits of solar electric power systems.

A residential solar electric power generator provides a huge amount of energy security for home owners. No longer will they receive electricity at the mercy of the elements. That means no more downed power lines resulting in black outs and waiting days or sometimes weeks to receive power again. How would it feel to never again have to wait to flush the toilet or take a shower simply because the water pump wasn't functioning due to a lack of power? A solar electric power system produces a constant supply of energy during the day, and large batteries charge up for use at night, although newer photovoltaic technologies promise to deliver some electrical generation capabilities even after the sun has set.

When looking at a solar electric power system, it's important for home owners to calculate their electrical usage for the worst days in winter and summer, when usage will be highest. Heating and air conditioning use a lot of electricity, and energy usage during the spring and fall is traditionally lower by a substantial amount. A good ballpark figure is $20,000 for one of these systems. Depending on a particular family's energy needs, that figure can change from $15,000 to $30,000. Fortunately, excess electricity can be sold to the power company, earning a small return on the purchase. Of course, the biggest allure of a solar electric power system are the energy savings, which will pay off the entire system within 10-15 years.

More about Residential Solar Power and Solar Energy Solutions

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