
Residential Solar Energy:Build A Home Solar Panel

Building your own home Solar Panel is possible, if you know how! Click Here For Videos and More Information! Yes, you can build your own home solar panel, and see how the sun’s energy can be converted to electric. The most efficient panels are actually made with silicon, but you can build your own home solar panel by using cuprous oxide, a material known to cause light to be turned into electricity. Using a thin sheet of copper, you can get your cuprous oxide. Here's how:.

Click Here For Videos and More Information on home Solar Panel building!

Ok, here's what you need to make your own home solar panel: You will need about one square foot of thin copper plate, two alligator clips and short leads of wire, a wide mouth glass jar, tap water and salt. A voltmeter, which measures small amounts of electricity will detect the end result. Building your own solar panel means you will need some sort of electric stove or hot plate to heat the copper sheeting. Place the copper sheet on the burner and turn it on high and let it sit there for about 30 minutes. As it heats, you see the plate turn colors and the heat will show the outline of the heating coil underneath the plate. As it gets hotter it will start to turn a dark color until the whole sheet has a very dark, even black coating.

When the sheet is entirely black, turn off the burner and let it sit to cool for about 20 minutes. As the the cuprous oxide cools the black coating will begin to pop off the sheet, leaving a thinnish coating of red on the copper. This red coating is needed to build your own solar panel, and while the majority of the black can be rinsed off under running water, it should not be brushed clean.

Salt Water actually Helps Produce The Electricity for your home solar panel. By using the alligator clips, connect the copper sheet to one the top of one side of the glass jar. Attach the other clean copper sheet to the other side of the jar. Combine 2 tablespoons table salt into hot water, mix well, cool, making sure it dissolves and then pour it into the jar. Be cautious that the water does not get on the alligator clips. The two copper sheets should be under water with about 1 inch exposed at the top of the car to build your own solar panel.

Your home solar panel is almost done. Carefully, carefully, place the entire item in the sun-light, that means either through the window or outside ,exposed to the sun. If you were able to build your home solar panel, you can see the meter indicate the power being generated by sunlight. Using the voltmeter connect the leads to the two alligator clips. Now the sun's energy from your solar panel is yours to use! You can feel pride!!! Click Here For Solar Panel Videos and More Information

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