
Our Energy Ravenous Planet Needs Renewable Resources

The globe as it is today is an energy hungry place and we need to be researching renewable supplies of energy to supply that thirst. We also need to get better ways of utilizing the present-day sustainable energy technology that are already in place. We should all be worried about the impact that is being put on our world and how the high cost of energy is affecting us. Regrettably a lot of energy is squandered every day and we need to take a look at ways we can be more conservative in our usage. We should open our eyes and make ourselves more conservative about our usage. There are working propositions to these concerns but how willing and able have people been to apply these solutions at the present.

One of the more popular forms of sustainable energy is wind power. The cost of the power it produces is getting very aggressive with conventional methods of energy output such as coal and natural gas. Power used to be created by windmills in the past on the family farm for many years. The rural landscape used to be spotted with them to provide power to pump water. It is a known fact nowadays that the states of Texas, Kansas, and North Dakota have adequate wind to furnish power for the whole U.S.

Another sustainable enegy source that has gotten much press is corn. The ethanol that is made from corn is a clean burning energy source and crops can be grown year after year so it is inexhaustible but at what price. The price of corn has gone up as the result of this, which is good for the farmer but bad for the consumer. There are better alternative to corn and one of them is prairie grass. In reality it generates more energy per acre than corn. Plus you don’t have to cultivate it because it grows wild. All you have to do is harvest and process it and no fertilizer or chemicals are used.

Solar power is another green energy source that we are hearing more about and seeing being utilized. You have the solar panels which convert sunlight into electricity and solar water heater to produce hot water. I recently read an article in a solar energy magazine about a family that installed a solar energy system on their home. They lived in Seattle. Of all the place in the world to put up a solar installation. Believe or not they had a respectable payback. Even though this is a very cloudy rainy area the ROI was almost unbelievable.

Solar power offers the chance for people to take charge of their own energy independence and self-sufficiency. This would allow a shift from centralized power production to decentralization. Think about it there hasn't been a lot of money spent on the research and development so costs remain high and the cause doesn't advance. It seems the corporate environment definitely like to be in control.

Regardless there are many alternatives that are now being explored because we know we can't stay dependent on the oil pipeline forever. We need to get smart about what we are doing with our energy situation and begin to implement a new energy agenda. We need to look to future generations and how it is going to benefit them. Do your part in helping to make renewable energy a bigger reality today.

You can learn more about solar panels, wind turbines , and other forms of sustainable energy sources by doing more research on the Net about the subject that intrigues. Be green and help keep the globe healthy and vibrant for future generations.


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