
Information About Ethanol Stock.

It was reported in June that ethanol stock was rising due to oil becoming more and more expensive, it was also reported that by mixing ethanol with gas made it cheaper. In fact, in the corn growing areas of the US filling stations are reporting that ethanol and gas blended fuel is selling at between seven to 10 cents cheaper than normal gasoline. As a direct result ethanol stock is rising.

Ethanol , which also goes under names of ethyl alcohol , and grain alcohol is a inflammable and colorless liquid , that as been used for making alcoholic drinks , medicines and colognes for hundreds of years. However , it has mainly been used in wines , whiskey and beer.

With the aid of better plant and technology with production of ethanol will increase, this in turn should help America to reduce their oil imports. Some of the major companies that are at the forefront of manufacturing ethanol and alcohol include The Andersons Inc, VeraSun, Xethanol Corp, Green Plain Renewable Energy, Archer Midland, Aventine Renewable Energy and Greenshift Corp.

The cost of producing ethanol as reduced due to better designed production plant , this and the constant increases in oil prices have made people in the US more aware of the advantages of using gas and ethanol blended fuels. As a direct result of this many companies have been attracted to ethanol stock as a means of making huge profits. In time , ethanol could be a major competitor to gasoline and therefore reduced the need for imported oil's. In order to help increase ethanol stock , researchers are looking for ways to produce ethanol from other parts of corn other than the starch.

The major ethanol production companies.

There are tax breaks for companies that blend ethanol and gasoline, therefore, major companies like Archer Daniels Midland who have ethanol stock could benefit considerably. The tax breaks at the federal level are $.51 a gallon for ethanol, with an extra 1.5 cents a gallon for companies based in Iowa. Therefore, major players like VeraSun and Archer Daniels Midland who have ethanol stock would definitely benefit from this sort of tax break.

For more information about ethanol fuel, check out our website at

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