
What are the Different Types of Alternative Energy?

What are the Different Types of Alternative Energy?

There is a lot of energy that can be harnessed as we continue to do research and development using current day technologies. We can get away from the fossil fuels and the old electrical grids by turning to alternatives of these energy sources. Wind-powered turbines usually provide electrical generation in conjunction with other methods of producing power.

Wind power is a great source for alternative energy. Wind turbines continue to be developed that are progressively more energy efficient and less costly. Throughout the world, wind farms have been showing up in many areas and even more so over time since they do not harm birds or any other kind of wildlife, unlike the original wind turbines did.

Solar energy is another alternative energy resource that is well known to us. This involves the manufacturing of solar cells which gathers and focuses the energy given off directly by the sun and then translates it into electricity or in some cases, hot water. As with wind energy, solar energy creates absolutely zero pollution.

Governments and investors have seen ocean wave energy as a way of generating huge amounts of energy. The generator that is located in France has been operating for years and is known to be largely successful and now the Irish and Scots are operating experimental facilities.

Hydroelectric power has been around for a long time and wherever it is located, it produces powerful electricity that is much cleaner than a grid. Unfortunately, there are limitations on where a large dam can be built and not many places are available for this type of project. Many run-of-the-river hydropower, or small and localized, hydroelectric generators have been set up in recent times due to this limitation.

Geothermal energy is extremely abundant, since it lies directly beneath our feet, just a few miles below the earth’s surface. Through the actions of earth’s fantastically hot molten core, this energy is produced by the heating of water. The water turns into steam, that can be harnessed and used to drive turbine engines that will generate electricity. A lot of research and development is needed in order to further our usage of geothermal energy tapping.

The waste gas energies are called methane, which reverse energy pollution by creating energy from waste that can be found in dumps and in some air pollutants. This gas is used in fuel cells and can be used in standard gasoline generators.

Ethanol is a gasoline substitute and is created from such things as wheat, sugarcane, grapes, strawberries, corn, and even wood chips and wood cellulose. There is controversy over this fuel with regards to it ever becoming truly economical or practical except in very localized areas, however, technologies for its extraction and admixturing are continuously being refined.

Biodiesel energy is created out of the oils contained in plants. So far, the commercial stores of biodiesel have been created by using soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower oils. By the time of this writing, biodiesel is typically produced by industrially minded individuals who want to experiment with alternative energy possibilities, however, commercial interest from many manufactures is also on the rise. It burns much cleaner than oil-based diesel.

Atomic energy is created in atomic energy plants using the process of nuclear fission. This form of energy is very efficient and can generate large amounts of power. There is concern from some people about what to do with the relatively small amount of waste product atomic energy gives off, since it is radioactive and takes hundreds of years to decay, and no longer be consider harmful to our environment.

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What's Green Living All About?

When you hear the term “green living”, you may get an image in your head of hippies living in communes making everything they use. Truth is: the definition of green living has changed. The concept simply includes doing things to help the environment be viable for future generations. If you don’t feel like shedding your worldly possessions and living in a mud hut, here are a few steps you can take to make your life a little greener.Organic vegetables at a farmers' market in Argentina.

Buy local organic products. Organic farmers not only use little to no chemicals, they also take steps to reduce water and soil degradation, along with other problems caused by traditional agriculture. Veggies from grocery stores have usually been shipped a long way, which causes environmental pollution. Buy your produce from a local farmer’s market or coop. If you can’t find one, start your own organic garden.

Use natural products. Household products that don’t contain chemicals are not only better for the environment; they’re safer for your family as well. You can make various cleaning products from stuff in your kitchen, like vinegar. If you don’t have the time, there are products you can buy. Just make sure they’re all natural and don’t just have a few natural ingredients mixed in with synthetic or chemical products.

Reduce. We’ve all heard the spiel about reduce, reuse, recycle; however, most of us focus on recycling and completely ignore the reducing. Try to use products that don’t end up in landfills like cloth diapers instead of disposables or regular towels instead of paper ones. Another great idea is to buy concentrated products because they come in smaller packages or buy in bulk so you are not paying or wasting the packaging.

Reuse. Many people have gotten in the habit of sending their recyclables away in the bins, but there’s more supply than demand in the recycling market. That’s why it’s also important to reuse items if you can. Consider whether you can reuse or refurbish an item before you throw it in the recycling bin. Also consider programs like freecycle, Craig's list or garage sales which allows you to offer your gently used (or even broken) items to someone else. You really never know when your trash is someone else's treasure or learning tool.

Recycle. We should all have a recycle bin in our homes, but you can do stuff to recycle on your own. Make your own rich soils with a compost pile and you can recycle plants, shredded paper and uneaten bits of fruit or vegetables. You can also use products like shredded plastic bags to mulch your garden. If you get creative, there’s lots of recycling you can do on your own.

Conserve Energy. There are so many things you can do to save energy. The big plus on this is that it also saves you money. Get low energy light bulbs for your fixtures. You could also take more drastic renovation steps by getting new energy efficient windows or installing solar panels. Even small steps like setting the thermostat a degree higher or lower or unplugging appliances not in use can make a big difference. A big way to conserve energy is to get a more fuel efficient car, or get rid of your car altogether. If you don’t need a big SUV, then don’t get one. You’ll be doing the environment a big favor.

Teach your children. You might not be able to change the world on your own, but you can start a trend by teaching others to be more environmentally friendly, starting with your own kids. Make sure your children know what steps you are taking to improve the environment and why. And most importantly, make sure you are all doing all you can for a sustainable future!


Information About Ethanol Stock.

It was reported in June that ethanol stock was rising due to oil becoming more and more expensive, it was also reported that by mixing ethanol with gas made it cheaper. In fact, in the corn growing areas of the US filling stations are reporting that ethanol and gas blended fuel is selling at between seven to 10 cents cheaper than normal gasoline. As a direct result ethanol stock is rising.

Ethanol , which also goes under names of ethyl alcohol , and grain alcohol is a inflammable and colorless liquid , that as been used for making alcoholic drinks , medicines and colognes for hundreds of years. However , it has mainly been used in wines , whiskey and beer.

With the aid of better plant and technology with production of ethanol will increase, this in turn should help America to reduce their oil imports. Some of the major companies that are at the forefront of manufacturing ethanol and alcohol include The Andersons Inc, VeraSun, Xethanol Corp, Green Plain Renewable Energy, Archer Midland, Aventine Renewable Energy and Greenshift Corp.

The cost of producing ethanol as reduced due to better designed production plant , this and the constant increases in oil prices have made people in the US more aware of the advantages of using gas and ethanol blended fuels. As a direct result of this many companies have been attracted to ethanol stock as a means of making huge profits. In time , ethanol could be a major competitor to gasoline and therefore reduced the need for imported oil's. In order to help increase ethanol stock , researchers are looking for ways to produce ethanol from other parts of corn other than the starch.

The major ethanol production companies.

There are tax breaks for companies that blend ethanol and gasoline, therefore, major companies like Archer Daniels Midland who have ethanol stock could benefit considerably. The tax breaks at the federal level are $.51 a gallon for ethanol, with an extra 1.5 cents a gallon for companies based in Iowa. Therefore, major players like VeraSun and Archer Daniels Midland who have ethanol stock would definitely benefit from this sort of tax break.

For more information about ethanol fuel, check out our website at


Renewable Energy Residential And Commercial Systems

Traditional, carbon based resources like coal, natural gas and oil are finite. As it becomes more difficult to detect and extract from the earth, the costs to the consumer are sure to rise. This trend will continue if more resources continue to be used. And there are potentially more telling costs that come with using fossil fuels. These fuels are though to be a leading contributor to our current environmental problems like global warming and may leave an uncertain world for future generations. So what are the alternatives to these traditional sources of energy. This article will cover a few of the alternative energy sources that are being touted as practical solutions both commercially and for the individual homeowner.

The first alternative energy source to be covered is solar energy. It has been around for quite a while now and most people have seen the odd solar panel on a neighbors roof. In fact, mankind has always used the Sun's energy in one form or another for thousands of years but only in the last 50 years has it really taken off as we know it now.

At this point in time, the Sun's heat and light energy is utilized to make energy for consumption.

Heat energy provided by the sun is used for many things like heating water, heating a room or cooking food. As the Sun's heat was tangible, the inspiration for using it as an energy resource was not a great leap of the imagination. Indeed, it was probably used in many ancient civilizations as an energy resource and might explain why so many of these civilizations worshiped it as a god.

Getting energy out of sunlight is still a fairly new development by comparison. The technology developed to do this is called the photovoltaic (PV) cell. The concept was first demonstrated in Victorian times but it was only first produced on a commercial basis in the 1970's.

The principle behind this is that photons in sunlight give the individual atoms in the PV cell enough energy to displace a spare electron. Many cells and more sunlight cause more electrons to flow. This is how direct current (DC) electricity works. Direct current can be stored in a battery or used to power appliances that run on DC.

Wind power is another source of renewable energy that is becoming popular. I think this is because it is fairly well understood by most people as a concept. It may also be because plenty of wind turbines are popping up all over the countryside.

A wind turbine is a modern day windmill, it uses the power of the wind to turn blades. The kinetic energy is used to power a generator that creates electricity. Many developed and developing countires are increasing their production of wind turbines each year. They represent a clean and cheap way to create energy.

Wind turbines or mills are an option even in the suburban home and can be constructed quite cheaply. It is quite simple to build a windmill or turbine from scratch or a pre-built variety can be purchased. Before you even think about this however, you need to establish if there is enough wind to make it viable and locate a good spot in your yard for it to go. You may also want to notify your neighbors that you are erecting a turbine as it could be an issue with some people.

Other systems use water as the primary source of energy, utilizing the kinetic energy to create electricity. This is hydro-power and a dam is an obvious example of this process in action. Geothermal energy can also be used to some extent. The principle behind this is that the molten core of the earth can heat up water which can be used as is or to create electricity.


The Eco Friendly Office: 8 Easy Ways to Make Your Office Greener

At your home, you may have stopped using incandescent bulbs, you may have a low flow showerhead, you may have added more organic foods to your diet, and recycling may have become an ingrained habit. You are doing your part at home to reduce your carbon footprint and keep our Earth green.

But how many of us are carrying that same concern into the workplace? How many green office supplies do you use at work?

Using eco-friendly office supplies can save a business hundreds or thousands of dollars, depending on the size of your company. Here are eight ways to make your office a little greener.

1. Make it easy to recycle. Set up bins for various recyclables that you go through in any given day. You can recycle the paper you print on, your calendars and organizers, even the ink cartridges themselves.

2. Purchase items made from recycled material, whenever possible. You can easily find post-consumer paper and even printers made primarily of recycled plastic.

3. Opt for refurbished office equipment instead of always buying new. Expect savings of 20 to 30 percent on refurbished office equipment and even more if you buy it used. Many items that are refubrished still have a valid manufacturer's warranty. Make sure to read the fine print before you finalize your purchase.

4. Waste not. Get into the eco-friendly office mindset by reducing your waste. Print and write on both sides of the paper. Print documents only when it's necessary to do so. Share PDF files, for example, instead of printing each document. Use email and bulletin boards to further reduce the amount of paper used for office memos. Scrap paper should be collected for recycling and not thrown away. And, whenever possible, reuse envelopes, boxes and packing materials.

5. Turn off your computer when you are done for the day. The electricity you save by turning off your computer each day will be well worth the few seconds it takes to boot it back up in the morning. You may be surprised to know that many office machines are continuing to draw power from their source, even when they are switched off. You can save energy by putting the office equipment on a power strip, so you can entirely switch off the electricity to the machines.

6. When you replace office supplies, do so with an eye toward energy usage. Switch a CRT monitor, for example, to an energy-saving LCD flat screen monitor. You'll save on energy costs in the long run.

7. Clean green. Don’t forget the cleaning products used in your office. You can "green" them too by using only non-toxic, biodegradable, natural cleaners. Depending on the size of your company, you might be doing the earth a favor to do away with Styrofoam or paper cups. Have employees bring their own glassware for coffee or water. For large office gatherings when it's not practical to ask everyone to bring their own place setting, consider compostable plates, bowls, cups, and cutlery. More major office supplies stores are starting to carry these items.

8. Start a Green Team. If your business is large enough to merit it, form a "green" committee to meet on a regular basis and brainstorm new ways to fill your workplace with eco-friendly office supplies.

Protecting the environment is important enough to be carried on anywhere we are, throughout our entire day, at work as well as at home.